Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Why do people get so mad at me for my forgetting issues?

Quite Often :|

I am ac-cepted ;0 by people other than Ellen DeGeneres quite often..

It chan-ges ... chan-ges ....

I don't really care if you think my mom being from out of the U.S. changes it.

Farming Family

Ellen DeGeneres, I know you meditate in your subconscious on how my dad is from a f'rm family.  So, you just want to see people fight from all other areas.  You know, I went up north in the winter once when I was older, and it was pretty cool.  I went up there 1 winter before, 1 fall before.  I was up there again from fall to early winter.


I'll probably be leaving in like ½ hour.

People Born Later

So, people born later have fun and are lose, but they just play around and want to show off to older kids, like 5 years older..Ir.  At least, I am mature, but I'm wondering about kids with older parents.  It seems kinda nice to have a dad who's not too young, too, you know a good ball park age..


So, why ... I forget ... about people from Florida, why do people who move here have to do tacky things?  Why would you sit here and dissect dirt in the atmosphere?

Genetic FLawws

Why are people so gay about me coming with the genetic flaws of my dad?


Guess I'll be going in a bit to see the therapist, might go to the store today to get a new cell phone.  :|  So, I am coming home though at like 7 P.M., with a Lynx van.  I gotta go to sleep early, leaving at 9, so gotta pack a lunch tonight maybe, wake up and get ready at 8?  Maybe 7?  See when I wake up, set my alarm for maybe 7:30?

Something Funny

Why does Nell Burton seem to be made of like something sorta outlined in like sticky white plastic filled with white fluffy stuff, like gauze or a diaper, because I heard that Tim Burton's parents are from Canada.  :o

My teacher Ginny's dad is from Pittsburgh, and her mom is from California, and she is from the San Fransisco area, Santa Clara.  :}  Also, some cities are considered better than country areas, officially, and others not.  The other sad fact is there's a big thing like of say northern Pennsylvania or the Amish if not, which came as a surprise.  See, people think below Pennsylvania is Southern.. ?  I guess Canada is European.  I'm not sure what the funny thing is.. ?  Tim Burton seems to have had good parents, but how do we know for sure?  There's a big thing about the Baby Boomers being a problem, but Tim Burton is a Late Boomer.  Late Bloomer is also a word.  Sometimes, people with older parents are Late Bloomers.  (That means they mature later..)

I don't see why California would be unfeeling and that Canada would be feeling.

Someone to Look up To.. }:}

I wonder if Ellen DeGeneres is too old to have someone to look up to.  I wonder how that goes.  I just always felt like I was little but like not of the generation of people born in 1960.


So, can people with older moms feel like they have a special mom born around 1960?  What about other races, like saying that the problem is them and that they're special in a costly way?

Looking Wild

Why wouldn't you want to have a romantic look like you're in Africa and learning about the people but still keeping your fair features?


So, in class, when we were lying down a long time, I spread my legs in agitation to the chairs.


So, why did I get this weird picture, of someone being hurt?

Teacher Teacher

My mom said she's asking her Indian professor about Ginny.


Liking Where You're From

With Britney Spears, do you get like when you see the pictures of her laughing like she thinks she gets to do something because her culture sucks?  It seems like it's because of her age.  So sarcastic.  I just don't care.


Cute guy on Twitter.


After class, the teacher had a meeting, was supposed to talk to me..thought it meant something.  In my hw, she told me to keep doing that, too.  Had a meeting with a female.  Got mad and ripped my paper because I kept asking her.  I didn't get it, could have asked her another day, didn't think of it.  She should have just left.  I held the door open, and she didn't care, I think, but cared ABOUT THAT GIRL FROM CALIFORNIA because otherwise she would probably just be grumpy.  What a useless-  Well, she ripped my paper with her pen.  She was trying to.  She crossed it out again, too, a lot.  She told me the wrong page or someone did.  So, stay after and ask the teacher and I guess tell them if someone told you wrong.

Class, Yesterday

So, I walked across the room and lay on the couch a bit, walked up to the teacher and walked out.  I saw a guy for the next class, told him not to go in, and he knew the class was guilty, unsure what was up.  I had my heeled boots on.  I don't have boots without heels.  :|  They don't sell many around.

Mardi Gras

Tomorrow, is Mardi Gras, from 11-2.  I can't believe we have to practice for theater.  I haven't had any time, and the practice didn't involve me much, 3 people.  We're coming to school on Monday to practice, but I don't have class that day.  I guess they just didn't want to come the day of, which is fine.  So, yea, she suggested maybe we practiced a little script for 3 hours.  I guess I am not that much into theater nor this script.  I mean, practicing with 2 other just wasn't all that encouraging.  They were afraid to have fun, just practicing being goody-goods.


I have to remember a little paragraph for makeup by tomorrow, but that may be all my homework save a journal for Improv.  I turned in a late set of journals compiled, doubled 1, but they weren't very long.  My new 1s aren't about the class.  I need to do some harder floor workouts.. forgot what else I was gonna say.  Oh yea, not sure how to find them.  Let's see, Feb. 6, gotta save money, might be able to use my EBT card at a gas station but no all.


Last night, I had leftover pizza and canned Chef Boyardee Macaroni & Cheese, maybe something else 1st I forget.  Not sure what I will have now, have a therapist appointment, might get my new cell phone, still tired, have to reserve a van for tomorrow and reschedule an appointment for Monday.

Woke Up

There's a squealing noise in my room.  I know lately I dropped my noisemaker.  It disturbed me, too, though, and gave me a weird feeling.


I had a really good feeling, Ellen DeGeneres was in a dark room with a lot of space with stuff in it and I was on top of her, and it felt so full and strong, like she was a big wild cat I just saw, like she just had *** with it, you know was just on top of it.  Sadly, I left.

Later, I met up with a boy from England and was putting my arms around him walking but not really feeling like I thought it would feel to be with him, you know how I felt seeing the pictures in a very strong  but not like totally loaded feeling..

New Facebook Cover

Facebook.  8I


Lying down.


I will not accept your actions nor fantasies that me doing things out-of-the-ordinary entails me being punished.

nu YouTube videos

4 are uploading, 1 in maybe 15 minutes, and the rest an hour each maybe.


Facebook Post


Hi, I wanted to talk to you, about class. ... I hope you had a good class today. I'll think about it in my blog, about how to have a better experience. I was just worried about it, nothing wrong with that, does show I'm interested in something others think is too late. Not sure exactly what my point was, though. I thought of what bothered me and got tired and forgot about it. I got a lot done talking about it, tonight, though. Well, hope we have a good class session Thursday. Not sure how to make it better. It's Mardi Gras at Valencia, so should make a difference. So, I blogger about the class today on my blog, which is my #1 thing in this existence other than maybe unorganized possibilities..who knows what that would mean..? So, I blogged about the class..

Hi, I wanted to talk to you, about class. I got something to quell me and distract me from the kids in the Voice for the Actor class, guess that older guy started it, is younger than you just a little.. So, when the guy bothered me I just wouldn't have it, wanted to do something back but couldn't really get myself to shrug it off. People are just mean to me. They don't care what I say. I don't want to do this. I don't see them as native Floridians. If they are, they are just in the stuff. So many kids in the class were like hissing curse words. Did you tell them to do that, just for fun, because I mean I don't think I would do that, not sure why that would be okay. Guess it just came up, then? I have a right to take class from you at college. The problem was the students, not sure what it is. So, I did notice, maybe you did, that you were mad at me because I was upset. Seems like you want me to be a suck up. I don't mean anything bad using the term a "suck up," just a cute word. You're acting like since I am not submissive to the Floridian culture that maybe I have to assimilate to a proper way of living as a contemporary citizen, of the U.S. I was just worried about the way you seem to want us to be like goody-goods, or else the class would make me go out of control wondering if I'm Floridian. I'm mixed, but I actually grew up in Florida. I was wondering why you are uptight on Facebook because everyone online is not very giving online, and it is actually "the" opportunity, not something you can take for granted to save a spot for later? I was hoping your classes would be fun. 3( You seem to be ring leading your current students but I see you already appear to be old in some way. I'm not sure if I'm in the right place or if you're just a competitive person, maybe more important than most all the other teachers, at least in Florida. Like, you seem to want to know if I want something, felt that you just wanted something from me and then pretty much don't want to talk to me, like you want something but you don't talk. I don't know who I was to start off with, more was my mom's kid and had to live with my dad. My mom gives me what I want and is strict. I don't know what's wrong with my dad. I don't feel that European myself around him but at least have a connection. I do feel more physical. It's just that around my mom I look more European, at least before. In Florida, all people cared about was like how my life wasn't very physically pleasurable. After I came back from elsewhere, it became more in line with some focal idea. It's just that I don't really mold who I am in that way. I know the reason I look Jewish is because it's like a pull away from "being a gymnast." Anyway, it's late and I also want to do something else. I hope the pacifiers I got will keep me occupied in class, keep me from crying, which I am so not prone to ever do in a bad way anymore unless someone summoned it. I think I am just mad that people don't think I am a true Floridian when I've been here since birth. It's just because my dad is from Pennsylvania, but I think it's cool. I think they just want my parents for themselves, themselves. With you, I am concerned about your getting out, like your maybe hoping for the future while maybe people like me will move on. I will move on because I realize my goals and don't lackadaisically put them off, why would you think otherwise? I just feed myself and rest and then everyone comes to me for the ***. I never did anything wrong, so it's a lie to think not.. :V I feel controlled by Italians born in the mid|late 70s. People are just questioning what I've done and changing my future because of Tim Burton, just admit it. You're just saying I can't be cool because my dad is from Pennsylvania and not like Florida nor L.A. nor somewhere else in California.. I will not listen to rules from Pennsylvania of fake things. I don't even know why this is. I can see if it's for fun, but it seems like it's because of something I did wrong. If I have a tight situation, you can't make it all the tighter like that's when that is. I thought you were down-to-earth and Western, why I took your class, plus you also seemed like a beckoning figure, all the same. Guess you're also ½ Pennsylvanian. I think Pennsylvania is now just priced for the separate Amish whatever, perhaps where my relatives live now, and maybe for the prestige of your city, of which I know not. However, my relatives aren't all European ethnically. It is my understanding most people aren't, so then it doesn't matter. People are a bit stand-offish to me from having an all Chinese mom. The thing is my dad is not my mom, and most people are not mothered by their dads. 1st, my egg is from my mom, and I was pregnated in her. Then, I knew she was my mom! Then, I stayed with her.. So, I'm loading footage of me talking tonight. That'll make me feel better. You know, you know it's wrong to say you have to give up something to make an accurate statement. Pretty much everyone just kinda keeps going doing that, as though it's their relief. Well, fine, let it out. Ah, guess I'll be taking my leave, for now, write an intro to this. You seem awfully bored by my company but maybe interested. I am concerned about people joking about you. I guess I just don't find it cool, just them saying they're jealous and mad they aren't as good and don't feel like moving. I know that they like to have fun with me. It's just that they think ooh maybe I'm Christina. Haha, dunno.